VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Bernard, a girl's life..........
Auteur : bernard
Date de création : 15-11-2005
posté le 25-04-2007 à 13:59:15

let's build a station in space

(Let’s build a) station in space
(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
We’ll fly away like dogs under X-tasy
(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
We’ll fly away like dogs under LSD

(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
(Let’s build a) station in space
me over you you over me
(Let’s build a) station in space
flying orgasm is the key
(Let’s build a) station in space
sex under antigravity
(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
(Let’s build a) station in space
me over you you over me
(Let’s build a) station in space
flying orgasm is the key
(Let’s build a) station in space
sex under antigravity

(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
We’ll fly away like dogs under X-tasy
Ow I want it
Ow I wanna have it
Ow I want it
Ow I wanna have it

(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
(Let’s build a) station in space
me over you you over me
(Let’s build a) station in space
flying orgasm is the key
(Let’s build a) station in space
sex under antigravity

(Let’s build a) station in space
to fuck by zero gravity
(Let’s build a) station in space
me over you you over me
(Let’s build a) station in space
flying orgasm is the key
(Let’s build a) station in space
sex under antigravity

disco disco disco disco disco death death (X3)